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What do 
Bill Gates, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein 
have in common?
The most brilliant and effective people in the world use the same method to achieve far more – in less time… 
Dear Self-Employed Professional,
How big would you dare to dream if you had the support of a highly-skilled team of advisors behind you? How far could you go with a well-developed network that was as invested in your success as you are? How focused would you be if your decisions were presented to your mentors and peers on a regular basis?
You’d be inspired … committed … dynamic … unstoppable! 
Are you ready to take a shortcut to a more productive, profitable way of doing business? Are you wondering how to move beyond where you are today, and take your business to the next level? 
A highly effective MasterMind group could very well be the most powerful tool you ever apply to your business. 
Isn’t it time things got easier?
Building a business can be a great adventure, but let’s face it – it can also be intensely difficult. Tremendously demanding. Confusing. Overwhelming. Isolating.
Three years ago, that’s where I was with my business. I wanted so much for it to succeed, to come together like I knew it could. But… I was really struggling. 
It wasn’t as profitable as I wanted, and I was exhausted by the sheer volume of what I had to deal with on a day-to-day basis. It was getting hard to see why I even started a business in the first place. I was so busy managing the details and researching the right answers… there just wasn’t any time to do what I was really passionate about. 
Even though I was interacting with clients and colleagues every day, I felt isolated, like a Lone Ranger out there forging new frontiers. It was exciting at first… but the thrill wore off, and self-doubt set in.
In so many ways, I was feeling my way through the dark, wondering if the next step was the right one – or if I was about to lead my business right off a cliff!
I was tense, tired all the time, working too much. My relationships suffered. Even my health started to show the strain. I remember sitting at my desk, holding my head in my hands, thinking, “Something has got to change.” 
The opportunity of a lifetime…
One day an invitation appeared in my inbox. A promisingl new MasterMind group was forming, and I was invited to participate.
The invitation had gone out to 9 of the most successful independent business coaches across the United States and Canada. Most of us had never met each other, and we were very different people. 
Although we were all coaches, each one of us had a unique area of expertise, a different skill set and a rich background. We had different visions, different understandings, different personalities. 
But, we had one thing in common: a burning desire to take our businesses to the next level. 
Each one of us was searching for ways to:
ØMake more money, in less time, with less effort. 
ØStreamline our businesses and get refocused.
ØBreak past the limitations of a stagnant business model.
ØSwap strategies, shortcuts, resources, tools and connections.
ØVent, commiserate and celebrate with others who had been there.
ØAnd have more fun as we did it!
I knew how powerful MasterMinding could be. I had seen my colleagues reap incredible results after collaborating with their peers… soaring profits, refined business models, renewed focus and enthusiasm… but I hesitated.
I didn’t have the time to invest in a new group – I was struggling just to keep my head above water. And I had seen unsuccessful Masterminds eat up time and energy without providing anything of real substantial value. I didn’t need a social hour with people in the industry… I needed answers. Solutions. Fresh ideas, informed opinions, new perspectives.
But, despite my fears and concerns, my preconceived notions and excuses, I took a deep breath and accepted the invitation.
That one decision literally changed my life.
Why MasterMind?
MasterMinding is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to succeed… anyone who is committed to achieving at an exponential level… anyone who has been drained by the endless challenges of running and growing a business.
To put it simply, MasterMinding is one of the easiest ways to breathe new life and action into just about any situation.
The insights, opportunities and connections available through MasterMinding can save you untold hours and vast amounts of money… even in your very first meeting! 
Building a business is a rigorous path – both wildly exhilarating and deeply exhausting. The demands on your time, energy and attention are intense – and there are days when you know that your business requires more than you have to give. 
After all, you can’t be an expert in everything, but you’re responsible for making informed decisions in a wide range of areas: 
ØStrategic planning
ØEffective marketing 
ØTechnical issues
ØFinancial strategy
ØHuman resources
ØInternal operations
Is there any wonder why you’re overwhelmed? What’s an ambitious, intelligent, maxed-out business owner to do?
Take a hint from the masters.
One of the leading thinkers of the last century, Napoleon Hill, took an assignment from one of the most powerful businessmen of all time, Andrew Carnegie. He was commissioned to interview the most successful people in the world – to study their lives, habits, ways of thinking and actions – and find the common threads. His job was to identify and understand the basic elements of success itself. 
It took 29 years and over 500 interviews, and it resulted in Hill’s timeless classic, Think and Grow Rich. Filled with bold conclusions and valuable insights, it was the first book to investigate and reveal the power of the MasterMind. 
Contrary to popular opinion, it’s not so lonely at the top. In fact, genius loves company.
Hill discovered that every one of the brilliant thinkers and influential businessmen he interviewed relied on a carefully selected team of advisors, an inner circle of peers who collaborated on a regular basis. He realized that every achiever is surrounded by people who help, advise, criticize, encourage, motivate, inspire and push them to be better than they ever could be on their own.
To paraphrase Napoleon Hill, when you pursue your dreams with the support of a MasterMind, you can: 
ØBorrow and use the education, experience, influence and capital of other people.
ØAccomplish more in one year than you could in a lifetime without the group.
ØDraw upon spiritual forces within you.
ØDevelop protection against failure.
You also gain the immeasurable benefit of fresh perspectives from people who can see beyond your own limited range of vision. As you’ll read in the book, in one of the Stories of MasterMinding Success, this can be crucial in a crisis.
Other people are the shortcut to your success!
You’re probably heard that 90% of new businesses fail within the first five years, and of those survivors, 50% will fail in the next five years. That means only 2.5% of businesses have any long-term success.
As business coaches and entrepreneurs ourselves, we have seen that the #1 reason people succeed is that they maximize the support of other people.
A MasterMind is a unique opportunity to call on the strengths of others, to access the best of each person’s expertise in a mutually supportive, non-competitive environment.
In your very first meeting, you’ll discover the power of:
ØInstantly expanding your network.
ØA supportive community of like-minded peers.
ØAccountability, to stay committed to your goals.
ØCollaboration, to reveal angles you’d never considered before.
ØConsistent emotional support from people who’ve walked in your                           shoes.
As you swap strategies, share tools and experiences, and encourage each other, you start to think in new ways, take bigger risks and make better decisions
In the process, you’ll shorten your learning curve in so many ways. You don’t have time to reinvent the wheel – capitalize on the work of other people! 
A MasterMind is an intricate web of information and resources: vendors, referrals, networks, areas of expertise, personal experiences, lessons learned… the list goes on.
When you leverage this kind of network, you’re tapping into an incredibly powerful competitive advantage. A successful MasterMind group will rapidly become an integral piece of your business foundation. 
Why You Need This Book
There are only three kinds of MasterMinds: 
ØIncredibly successful: Members of the group are consistently excited to participate and the group carries its own buzz, a vibrant feeling of progress and commitment to each other. Synergy is high, and meetings offer an abundance of support on several levels.
ØMediocre: Members are consistently lukewarm. The substance is adequate, helpful, worth showing up for… but not groundbreaking. People know it isn’t quite working out, but they don’t know how to change it, so they hang on, hoping things will improve. The future together is uncertain.
ØThose that fail: A disappointing waste of time and energy. Members walk away disillusioned. Perhaps a few friendships and contacts will endure, but the group never really comes together, never gets on track to maximize what it could be.
The amazing thing is this: The very same group of people could create an immensely powerful MasterMind, a mediocre experience, or a dismal failure.
So what’s the difference? What makes or breaks a group? What do you have to do to maximize the potential of people? How do you translate that ambition into results, and synergy into progress?
When we first formed the Cloud 9 MasterMind, we wanted to know too.
After our first meeting, we all knew how incredibly valuable this venture could be. But many of us had been in groups before, as had many of our clients, and we knew first-hand that most groups form under the best of intentions… and fail to realize their potential. 
And we know how very expensive that experience can be. Even with all the synergy, vision and potential in the world, a poorly formed or managed group will actually do exactly the opposite of what you intended to achieve through a 
Mastermind group:
ØInstead of saving you time and energy, it can be a giant waste of time and attention.
ØInstead of inspiring you and building momentum for your business, it can be demoralizing and draining.
ØInstead of building a cohesive community and camaraderie, a poorly run group can generate resentment and frustration. 
The cost of building a MasterMind without a clear plan cannot be understated. 
Simply put, you cannot afford to do it wrong.
And fortunately, you don’t have to! Today you have the opportunity to learn from, model, and get insider tips from an amazingly successful MasterMind group: The Cloud 9 MasterMind!
Meet Your Mentors
The Cloud 9 MasterMind is a group of 9 professional coaches, each with a thriving business and a deep commitment to helping others succeed. \
When we started the process of building our group, we couldn’t find a comprehensive set of instructions about how to create a successful MasterMind. Sure, there were plenty of websites that talked about how incredible a MasterMind could be, and we came across some articles that included a brief overview of the stages of putting a group together. 
But nothing addressed the finer points of creating and running a truly exceptional MasterMind group. And we were committed to building something exceptional.
So we worked at it. We talked about it. We felt our way through the process, trying out different formats and processes, checking in with each other to see what was working. 
It was an awkward process and quite time-consuming… even emotional at times… but well worth every ounce of effort we put into it.
Even after we were well established, we continued to learn about how to get the most out of MasterMinding. We’ve spent nearly a year exploring and examining our collective experience with MasterMinding, and that of our clients, looking to discern the difference between an incredible group and one that fails. 
We’ve researched, interviewed, analyzed, discussed… and we’ve distilled all that material down to one powerful, concise, easy-to-read book on how to create and maintain the most inspired, effective MasterMind possible – The Magic of the MasterMind: How to Ignite the Power of People to Create Extraordinary Results.
As we tested and applied a number of strategies and structures, frameworks and formats, we learned a lot along the way, like how to: 
ØGet started: defining the who, what, when, where, why and how of a new group.
ØBe sure everyone is getting what they need from the group.
ØLeverage each other, and maximize our collective expertise.
ØNavigate the inevitable issues and sticky situations that arise.
Our efforts have paid off tremendously. Over the course of three years, we built an immensely successful MasterMind. 
ØSonia increased her profits by 30%, and decreased her work hours by 50%!
ØAndrew tripled his income and hired two support staff!
ØKevin expanded his practice from a local market to a nationwide clientele!
ØJim dreams of coaching a million people – and with the help of our MasterMind group, he created a system that’s going to make that possible!
Every single person in the group took their business to the nest level. 
And Beyond…
Perhaps even more incredible than these business results was the connection we built along the way. People don’t often talk about it, because you truly have to experience it to understand the power of it. But the emotional and personal support that members of an exceptional MasterMind discover is nothing short of phenomenal.
To experience the understanding of people who have been in your shoes, facing the exact same challenges you’re struggling with, can be immensely comforting. 
A solid community of your peers, people who are invested in your success and committed to assisting you along the way, provides more value than even the best business tips. 
When you’re waging internal battles with frustration, self-doubt, isolation and overwhelm, a few words of encouragement and perspective from trusted peers can make a world of difference. 
And when you get this level of encouragement on an ongoing basis, you’ll suddenly find yourself reconnecting with your original passion for your business. It happened to every one of us in the Cloud 9 MasterMind. 
Emotional support was one of our original intentions, and we actively cultivated it. We checked in with each other at each meeting, sharing some of the highs and lows of our personal lives, and we reached out to each other between meetings. 
The deep connections that grew surprised – and delighted – us all, creating a whole new level of momentum and inspiration. 
We started planning annual retreats together, taking a week out of our intensely busy lives to meet in the most beautiful, inspiring environments we could think of. Whether it was Whistler Ski Village in Canada or the beachfront house in San Diego, whale watching in the beautiful Pacific Northwest or lounging in front of a fire… we built vivid memories together. And from those retreats came many of our most powerful exchanges.
How The Magic Was Created
By the end of our third year together, other people were coming to us, asking about how to replicate our success.
Being so passionate about our group and the results we’ve created together, we were excited to share our experiences and insights with other people. 
It wasn’t long before we committed ourselves to writing the most comprehensive guide on MasterMinding ever created. 
After analyzing our experiences, those of our colleagues, and our additional research, we distilled and organized the material into a step-by-step, easy to read guide on how to build and manage your own exceptional MasterMind group.
Designed to put your group on the fast track to results, The Magic of the MasterMind highlights: 
ØWhere to find your members, and how to craft a compelling                                invitation.
ØA basic framework for your meeting agenda, with tips on topics to build the group’s effectiveness over time.
ØHow to handle interpersonal challenges, competition and confidentiality, with practical tools to resolve issues and clarify agreements.
ØWhat to do when things get stagnant – innovative ideas to breathe new life into a tired group.
ØHow to design a group that meets your specific needs.
In addition to the “how-to” essentials, The Magic of the MasterMind includes a detailed discussion of… the Magic! An intriguing chapter explores the extraordinary space that a collaborative group can move into, a place of heightened clarity and synchronicity, where solutions materialize effortlessly and insights abound.
Until now, people have had to feel their way through the dark, learning as they go, making costly mistakes. And we have seen up to 90% of MasterMinds fail. 
They fail to realize their potential. They fail to connect deeply and authentically. They fail to come together on a solid foundation of vision and structure, and so they fail to last.
For the first time ever, you have the tools you need to create and manage a wildly successful MasterMind group.
Save yourself the time, frustration and effort of building an ineffective MasterMind. 
The Magic of the MasterMind promises to shorten the learning curve and dramatically improve your ability to build – and benefit from – an exceptional group.
The Cloud 9 MasterMind represents over 250 years of combined experience and wisdom in business and MasterMinding.
Anything that you can do on your own, 
you can do faster with a MasterMind.
If the most successful people in the world rely on MasterMinds, what’s stopping you?
Not sure where to start? Wondering how to assemble a truly powerful team? Want to know how to move beyond networking and ensure that your MasterMind is an incredible success, not a colossal waste of time?
You’ll find these answers – and so much more – in 
The Magic of the MasterMind: 
How to Ignite the Power of People
 to Create Extraordinary Results
If you’re ready to take your life and business to the next level, if you’re willing to abandon the struggle and make astonishing progress in the next six months, MasterMinding will help you:

ØIncrease profits while decreasing the number of hours you work. 
ØAccess ever-growing networks of peers and prospects.
ØLeverage yourself so business comes to you – effortlessly.
ØImplement technology and support systems so you can spend your time doing what you truly love.
ØMaintain a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.
Thousands of self-employed people, professionals just like you, have learned to tap into the power of people to accelerate their professional and personal growth. Their MasterMinds have become their business partners!
We know you don’t have much time – most successful professionals are running full speed just to keep up. So The Magic of the MasterMind includes a MasterMinding Toolkit, a package of templates, scripts, resources and ideas to help you design a group that works for you – quickly. It includes information on: 
ØSharing and rotating responsibilities.
ØAccessing free teleconferencing services. 
ØFinding an established group to join.
ØAlternative models of masterminding.
The Toolkit provides you with everything you need to launch your group before the end of today.
While there is no guarantee you’ll transform your life from reading this book, I will promise you one thing: People who are committed to results find MasterMinding to be one of the most powerful and effective investments they’ve ever made.
Ready for Results?
Don’t wait. Every day that you’re in business without the power of a MasterMind behind you, you’re exposing yourself to a world of unnecessary risks and challenges.
To start transforming your life in the next ten minutes…
Download  The Magic of the MasterMind
…the most comprehensive guide available on building and managing a truly successful MasterMind group.
As an added bonus, after you’ve purchased your copy, you’ll gain access to our exclusive MasterMinding Message Board, a forum of successful professionals who are looking to create or are in the process of building truly exceptional MasterMind teams. 
You can post your questions and share in the insights of other MasterMinders through this virtual community of exceptional and ambitious people. 
When you consider the true value of the book…
The combined expertise of 9 of the most successful business coaches in North America, each of whom charge well over $200 an hour for their time,
Hundreds of hours of brainstorming, researching, and investigating how to create a truly exceptional MasterMind – all condensed into one focused, easy-to-read book, 
A community of like-minded, ambitious professionals looking to contribute to and collaborate on your success,
Templates, forms and resources to get your own MasterMind up and running – the right way – as soon as possible, 
 … you’ll recognize that it just doesn’t make any sense to move forward without it. We’ve pulled together everything you need to know to build – and truly grow with – your own exceptional MasterMind group. 
When you download your copy of The Magic of the MasterMind today, you’ll receive our special introductory pricing. For a limited time we are offering this complete guide to MasterMinding for only $67. Chances are good that you’ll recoup many times that cost in your very first meeting! 
But we can’t guarantee this price indefinitely… once it has been offered to our own clients and colleagues, and it we prepare for the mass-market release, the price will increase to $79 and the discount will no longer be available.
So click here to download your copy of The Magic of the MasterMind, and take the first step into new heights of personal and professional success. 
Wishing you inspired action and amazing success as you MasterMind your way to greatness!
Kevin MacDonald
P.S. Two things distinguish successful business people from their competitors: what they know, and who they know. MasterMinding is the easiest, fastest way to dramatically expand in both areas! 
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, take action! This book will guide you through the process of creating your own “board of advisors,” a phenomenal support team that’s committed to exponential results. 
P.P.S. I’m so certain that The Magic of the Mastermind will give you everything you need to move your business ahead that I’m offering a 60-day money back guarantee! 
The book is yours to read for the next 60 days. If it isn’t everything I’ve promised, and if you don’t think it’s worth every penny you paid for it, I’ll refund your money, no questions asked. There is absolutely no risk. Click below to access your copy of The Magic of the MasterMind.
The Magic of the MasterMind: 
How to Ignite the Power of People to Create Extraordinary Results
The Magic of the MasterMind: 
How to Ignite the Power of People to Create Extraordinary Results
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