Clarity Success Coaching Newsletter
June 2003

Welcome to the June edition of the Clarity Success Coaching Newsletter!

We held off sending the June Newsletter out with the hope that we could announce that John Furlong and his team successfully won the opportunity for Vancouver to host the 2010 Winter Olympics.  I am pleased to tell you that I was at General Motors Place in Vancouver with 17,000 other people to hear the news that Vancouver was awarded the Games.

Congratulations, Bid Team, Vancouver, Whistler and Canada!  

We hope that you enjoy this month's newsletter and our theme of "Energy".    We welcome your questions, comments and stories.  Don't forget to send us an email and share your thoughts with us.

If you should ever wish to unsubscribe, please use the "Safe Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the page.

In this issue

Give yourself a gift!

Inspirational Quote
Recommended Reading
Final Thoughts



I often stop to think about how lucky I am to have the people I have in my life.  I was recently speaking to a group of club managers in Alberta and I suggested to them that they are 'managers of energy'.  They have an impact on their own energy, the energy of their staff and the people they serve.  So whether you are a manager of people or not, congratulations!  You are a manager of energy.  You can create it, store it, and expend it just like a bank account.  If your reserves are low, it may negatively impact the achievement of your goals.

I have noticed, on many occasions, that I have filled my life with clients, friends, colleagues, and family that energize me.  Last week, for example, I had the opportunity to see John Furlong speak and then my wife Rose and I had the chance to have dinner with John, his wife Gail, and our friends Ken and Barb Oleschuk.  John has spent almost two years as the president and COO of Vancouver's 2010 Winter Olympic Bid.

At dinner, we heard about travelling that spanned the globe, rich cultures, fond memories of new friends, exotic foods, and John's opportunities to be in the company of leaders of the Olympic movement and leaders of countries from around the world.  We could hear the passion to do his best for Vancouver, Canada and the Olympics.  We heard about his belief that everyone on the bid team had done their best to present a bid that would hopefully bring the Olympic legacy to our part of the world.

As I later reflected on John's stories, I noticed how excited and energized I was.  John, a colleague from my club management days, was playing on a large stage.  It inspired me to play bigger with my business, my clients, my family, and my friends.  He inspired me to see bigger opportunities and gave me some perspective that made my obstacles seem miniscule.

I hope your life is full of people who energize you.  Remember you are a manager of energy.


Inspirational Quote

 The crowd gives the leader new strength.

Recommended Reading

And Dignity for All - Unlocking greatness with values based leadership
By James Despain and Jane Bodman Converse

I was asked to read this book by a client looking at developing a values-based leadership model for his firm.  I was truly fascinated by this book.  I think one the things I liked the most was the fact that the author is describing a style of management that can be very successful and yet he takes the reader through all of the pain and suffering he and his people had to endure to learn how to do it.  In many management books, you only hear the success story.  In contrast, 'And Dignity for All' shows times when Mr. Despain fell short and wasn't proud of his behaviour.

For more about this book (and other book reviews) visit the Clarity Success Coaching web site and our 'library'.

Clarity Success Coaching Library


Final Thoughts

 We hope that you have enjoyed this edition of the Clarity Success Coaching Newsletter!  Please feel free to pass it along to anyone you feel would benefit from it.  We welcome your ideas and inspirations!  Please share with us your stories and wisdom and, with your permission, we will share them with our readers!   Clarity Success Coaching does not give out or sell our subscribers' names, or email addresses.  Privacy is our policy.

Give yourself a gift!

Every Thursday morning Kevin is available for complimentary coaching sessions.  Gift yourself with the opportunity to experience coaching first hand and see if this powerful partnership is just what you need to kick start a project, get you on track or simply affirm what you knew to be true all along - you are terrific!

The benefits achieved in the coaching relationship are best understood when we experience them first-hand, which is why Kevin offers complimentary coaching sessions to anyone wishing to understand more about what he does and what you can achieve by working with a coach.

Complimentary coaching sessions are, of course, totally obligation free.  Remember, knowledge is power, and by equipping yourself with more information about what coaching is and how it works, you can make informed decisions about what the next best step is for you in your personal and/or professional life.

To book a complimentary coaching session, please call Kevin's assistant Alexandra at 604-874-4757 or email her at [email protected]


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