Clarity Success Coaching

December 2007


Welcome to this month's edition of the Clarity Success Coaching Newsletter.

In this issue

·  Year End Wisdom From Bagger Vance?

·  Inspirational Quote

·  Recommended Viewing

·  About Clarity Success Coaching

·  Take a Look!

Year End Wisdom From Bagger Vance?

If you know me very well you probably know that I love golf and I love movies.
For a few days before Christmas I had the first days of sickness that I have had in this amazing year that has been 2007. I didn't have energy I normally have so I became motionless and unproductive. I watched some movies but didn't do much more.
On Christmas Eve I watched The Legend of Bagger Vance. I had seen it when it first came out. It was different for me this time.
Perhaps it was different because I was watching it as another year was coming to an end.
Perhaps it was different because I was listening to Bagger's words as they relate to me and you.
Perhaps it was different because Shelley and I had a chance to visit the area where it was filmed when we spoke and coached at the CMAA Assistant Managers Conference. The accents were familiar and took me right back to the Carolinas and the Savannah area. We played the golf course where it was filmed.
It was different. It was better. It was the right time to watch it.

Maybe that is a lesson that although we want things to happen on our time schedule, sometimes they are going to happen when they are meant to happen. That lesson is evident in the movie.
Junnah's game didn't show up when he wanted it. The absence of it showing up allowed him the chance to learn how to get it back for the long run. He had to learn to be patient and stop trying to force the learning.

"Inside each and every one of us Is our true, authentic swing
Something we was born with
Something that's ours and ours alone
Something that cannot be learned
Something that's got to be remembered.
Bagger Vance

Did you get it? He said remembered as opposed to learned. Your authentic swing is who you are and who you are meant to be. As we coach people our job in essence is to help them remember their brilliance. Bagger Vance was a number of things, and among those things he had brilliance at being a caddy and a coach.

As I have been reflecting on this past year I realize it might be the most amazing year of my life so far! Perhaps getting closer to my authentic swing has been part of it. It has been a year of landmarks and celebration. It has been a year of travel, experiences that came out of dreams, and deepness in relationships at a level beyond what I have ever experienced. It has been a year of learning and creating. As I take time to reflect on it I have to pinch myself.
Maybe it is the sharp pain of the pinch that helps me remember that I designed the year I had. There were elements of it that were beyond what I designed but I remembered the design.

For the past few years Shelley and I have been spending time as one year comes to an end and another begins challenging each other to dream and plan. We have found it to be so exciting as we plan what is possible for our respective families, our businesses and our lives. It is an exercise we can't wait to get to. It is a chance to connect to our dreams and our authentic swings. I can hardly wait to get at it.

If you would like a copy of our planning tool please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will send it to you. I truly hope that 2008 will be your best year yet. I hope you will decide to design it that way. I hope you find your authentic swing.

Inspirational Quote

"Getting in touch with your true self must be your first priority."
Tom Hopkins

Recommended Viewing

"The Legend of Bagger Vance"

About Clarity Success Coaching

We hope that you have enjoyed this edition of the Clarity Success Coaching Newsletter! Please feel free to pass it along to anyone you feel would benefit from it.

We welcome your ideas and inspirations! Please share with us your stories and wisdom and, with your permission, we will share them with our readers!

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The Clarity Success Coaching newsletter and all contents are the property of Clarity Success Coaching and cannot be reprinted without the permission of Clarity Success Coaching.

Take a Look!

What Is The Secret

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