Clarity Success Coaching

August 2007


Welcome to this month's edition of the Clarity Success Coaching Newsletter.

In this issue

·  Awareness, Action and Accountability

·  Inspirational Quote

·  Recommended Reading

·  About Clarity Success Coaching

·  Take a Look!

Awareness, Action and Accountability

I had a coaching client who told me about a fishing trip he was on in the Pacific Ocean. He and his fishing partner were not commercial fisherman but fairly competent amateur sport fisherman. They were miles out in the ocean when a dense fog rolled in. They were fairly familiar with the area but the fog was thick and disorienting. They were certainly aware that there were reefs that could damage the propeller. There were rocks that could damage the boat. The fog blocked out the sun that might help with navigation and it muffled sound. They realized fairly quickly that a lot of bad things could happen. They could easily head in the wrong direction and end up way out to sea. As they listened to the eerie silence they imagined a large ship moving toward them with no audible or visual warning. They could imagine hitting a rock and going overboard.

One thing they knew for sure was that they were in a fog.

They decided to set a compass reading and head for an agreed upon bearing at a slow speed. One person was on the bow focusing on the upcoming fifteen feet for rocks and reefs. There were times when they second-guessed their strategy. One would report that he saw a sparkle in the water that might mean the sun was over there. "Maybe we are going in the wrong direction," one might think. When you can't see the future, fears start to move in just like the fog. The other would say "We are going to stay the course and continue our actions." The actions included sounding a fog horn intermittently and moving forward cautiously. They soon got a glimpse of a landmark that they recognized and finally made it home safely to the fishing lodge.

I think this is a great metaphor for life! Often, as human beings, we are navigating through a fog in our lives. We may not see how our habits or beliefs have been working against us. In life, as in this story, there may be people or tools that could make the journey a lot easier. A professional might have radar, a global positioning system or a radio to call for help. And so it is true with our lives,if we do not have a clear vision of where we are going and some of the tools to help us get there, we may end up changing course every time there is a distraction. When you can't see the future, fears start to move in just like the fog. A coaching style to leadership is about developing awareness, taking action, and having an environment of accountability in place to ensure desired results.

Inspirational Quote

"You can observe a lot just by watching."
Yogi Berra

Recommended Reading

The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Jack Canfield

About Clarity Success Coaching

We hope that you have enjoyed this edition of the Clarity Success Coaching Newsletter! Please feel free to pass it along to anyone you feel would benefit from it.

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Take a Look!

What Is The Secret

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